Join us for Worship

Sunday Services
8:00 am – Holy Communion
10:00 am – Holy Communion / Sunday School

Worship Location
40447 Redbud Drive
Oakhurst, Ca 93644

An ancient faith for a modern world

We are an Anglican Church grounded in the biblical and historical traditions of the early church. We joyfully join Christians throughout the world who for centuries have worshipped the Lord through the Word of God and the sacraments given to us by Christ. Whether you are seeking a spiritual home, exploring your faith or are looking for a place of peace and beauty, we invite you to see what the Lord is doing at Christ Church.

Look what’s new

Thursday Bible Study
Bible Study
Thursdays @ 10am

Explore with us the book of Isaiah.
Join in person or online.
You only need your Bible.

Epiphany Blessing
ALPHA – Join a conversation

Wednesdays, starting January 29 @ 6pm
Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the foundations of Christianity. Everyone is welcome to join in this conversation! Dinner is provided.
+ Connect with new people
+ Hear about a question of faith
+ Share your thoughts and hear from others

Annual Meeting
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, March 4

Breakfast for dinner? Yes please!
Bring a friend and feast before the fast. We’d love to see you there!

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