We Believe

  • One Holy Catholic and Apostolic

    Christ Church is a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We say these words every Sunday as part of the Nicene Creed, an ancient statement of Christian faith.

    Christ Church is united with Christ a part of his One body in the world. Through the work of the Holy Spirit we have been sanctified and set apart (made holy) for God’s kingdom. We recognize the catholicity of our faith and see Christ in all people who repent and believe the good news of Jesus. The faith that we proclaim is the faith that we have received, unbroken from Jesus and his apostles.  

    Anglican Identity

    Christ Church is an Anglican church, part of a global communion of churches which exist in 165 countries with 85 million members. Our national church is our province, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), led by an archbishop. Our geographic grouping of churches is our diocese, the Diocese of San Joaquin, led by bishop Eric Menees. Our church is led by the Rector and Vestry, along with staff and lay leadership.

    An Anglican is part of a large family of Christians that have descended from the church in England. As part of that worldwide Anglican family, we have the following characteristics in our churches: Historic, Biblical, Liturgical, Sacramental, Global, Missional

    We are HISTORIC because we remain connected to the great tradition of the Christian church going back to the first century.

    We are BIBLICAL because we look to the Bible as the final authority for what we believe and how we behave.

    We are LITURGICAL because we worship according to beautiful set forms given to us in 2019 The Book of Common Prayer.

    We are SACRAMENTAL because we believe that holy baptism is the entry into the church and holy communion is the mystical body of Christ offered at every Sunday service.

    We are GLOBAL because we have 85 million sisters and brothers in Anglican churches throughout the whole world.

    We are MISSIONAL because we long for all to hear about the love of God made known in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.