What’s New on the Mountain
Kindle a New fire this Easter!
The most beautiful night of the year happens on Saturday night of Easter. The Great Vigil is the first liturgy of Easter Day. It is celebrated at sunset…
4 min read
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we often find ourselves mirroring those we oppose. The temptation to fight fire with fire, to return evil for evil, is a constant…
4 min read
The Jerusalem Cross
Within our Anglican tradition, and particularly within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the Jerusalem Cross holds a place of profound meaning. You may have noticed its…
4 min read
The Book of Common Prayer 2019
C.S. Lewis described the Christian faith as a journey—and indeed, we are on this journey together toward God. While there are many expressions of Christianity, one of the…
4 min read
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4 min read